Assignment 19
Programming Language ISL+
Due Date Thurs 3/30 at 11:59pm
Possible Points 20
Purpose To design a more complex function that processes graphs.
Graded Exercises
Exercise 1 Design the function same-graph? that determines in two graphs are the same. The following tests should pass:
(check-expect (same-graph? (make-graph '(a) (lambda (x) '())) (make-graph '() (lambda (x) '()))) #false) (check-expect (same-graph? (make-graph '(a) (lambda (x) '())) (make-graph '(a) (lambda (x) '()))) #true) (check-expect (same-graph? (make-graph '(b) (lambda (x) '())) (make-graph '(a) (lambda (x) '()))) #false) (check-expect (same-graph? (make-graph '(a b) (lambda (x) '())) (make-graph '(b a) (lambda (x) '()))) #true) (check-expect (same-graph? (make-graph '(a b) (lambda (x) (cond [(symbol=? x 'a) '(b)] [(symbol=? x 'b) '()]))) (make-graph '(a b) (lambda (x) (cond [(symbol=? x 'a) '(a)] [(symbol=? x 'b) '()])))) #false) (check-expect (same-graph? (make-graph '(a b) (lambda (x) (cond [(symbol=? x 'a) '(b a)] [(symbol=? x 'b) '()]))) (make-graph '(b a) (lambda (x) (cond [(symbol=? x 'a) '(a b)] [(symbol=? x 'b) '()])))) #true)