Assignment 14
Programming Language ISL+
Due Date Mon 3/13 at 11:59pm
Possible Points 37
Purpose To design functions that process mutually recursive data.
Graded Exercises
(define-struct room [obj north south east west]) ; A Room is a (make-room Symbol Exit Exit Exit Exit) ; and represents the object in a room and the four possible exits ; An Exit is a [Maybe Room], meaning it is one of: ; – #false ; – Room ; and represents either a dead-end or a new room to walk into
Exercise 1 Design a function that outputs all of the objects in a room and the rooms you can reach from that room.
; An Sexpr is one of: ; – Symbol ; – Lexpr ; An Lexpr is one of: ; – '() ; – (cons Sexpr Lexpr)
Exercise 2 Problem 2: Design a function that given an Sexpr and a Symbol s determines if every symbol in the sexpr is s.
; A Path is a [List-of Nat] and describes how to traverse an Sexpr via indices.
For example, traversing 'a with the path '() would produce 'a.
Traversing '((a (b (c d e) f g) h i)) with the path '(0 1 1 2) would produce
Exercise 3 Design the function find-path, which given an Sexpr and a Symbol outputs the path to the leftmost occurence of that symbol in the Sexpr. If that symbol is not in the sexpr, return #false.
Note: The design recipe is your only hope for these problems, as per usual.