Rohan Garg
PhD Student

- BE in Information Technology, University of Delhi - India
About Me
- Hometown: New Delhi, India
- Field of Study: Systems and Networks, High Performance Computing
- PhD Advisor: Gene Cooperman
Rohan Garg is a PhD student in the Computer Science program at Northeastern University’s Khoury College of Computer Sciences, advised by Professor Gene Cooperman. His research interests are in systems and networks, high performance computing, fault tolerance, and virtualization. A native of New Delhi, India, Rohan worked as a software engineer for two different startups after completing his undergraduate studies.
What are the specifics of your graduate education (thus far)?
I started as a graduate student at Northeastern and decided to stay here for my PhD.
What are your research interests?
There has been a recent increase in the interest of employing heterogeneous architectures. For example, many cored accelerators for reasons of performance and energy efficiency. The research track for my PhD is centered around developing transparent, portable, and extensible methodology for fault-tolerance that can work well with the new-age heterogeneous environment.
Where did you study for your undergraduate degree?
My undergraduate degree was a joint offering by the departments of electrical engineering and computer science. This helped me develop a background in the core computer science subjects and also allowed me to gain perspective on some other interesting aspects of electrical engineering, including information theory, signal processing, analog electronics, etc.
After completing my undergraduate education, I worked as a software engineer for two startup companies, developing systems software for embedded multimedia systems. I had the opportunity to design and implement modules for digital signal processing (user-space), and kernel drivers for these specialized SOCs.