Lab 10 Graphs
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to give you some practice working with graphs and networks of data.
Textbook references: Chapter 29: Algorithms that Backtrack
Public Transit
Goals: Practice working with graphs. Practice generative recursion.
; A Station is a (make-station String [List-of String] [List-of String]) (define-struct station [name lines neighbors]) ; - where name is the name of the station ; - lines is the list of lines that this station is on ; - and neighbors is the list of stations you can get to immediately from this one
Sample Problem Create some example maps of the T.
(define DOWNTOWN (list (make-station "North Station" '("orange" "green") '("Haymarket")) (make-station "Bowdoin" '("blue") '("Govt Center")) (make-station "Haymarket" '("orange" "green") '("North Station" "Govt Center" "State")) (make-station "Govt Center" '("green" "blue") '("Bowdoin" "Haymarket" "Park St" "State")) (make-station "Aquarium" '("blue") '("State")) (make-station "Park St" '("red" "green") '("Govt Center" "Boylston" "Downtown Crossing")) (make-station "State" '("orange" "blue") '("Haymarket" "Govt Center" "Aquarium" "Downtown Crossing")) (make-station "Boylston" '("green") '("Park St")) (make-station "Downtown Crossing" '("red" "orange") '("Park St" "State" "Chinatown" "South Station")) (make-station "Chinatown" '("orange") '("Downtown Crossing")) (make-station "South Station" '("red") '("Downtown Crossing")))) (define GREENLINE-SPLIT (list (make-station "Copley" '("green") '("Arlington" "Prudential" "Hynes Convention Ctr")) (make-station "Hynes Convention Ctr" '("green") '("Copley" "Kenmore")) (make-station "Kenmore" '("green") '("Hynes Convention Ctr" "Blandford St" "St Marys St" "Fenway")) (make-station "Prudential" '("green") '("Copley")) (make-station "Blandford St" '("green") '("Kenmore")) (make-station "St Marys St" '("green") '("Kenmore")) (make-station "Fenway" '("green") '("Kenmore")))) (define OUTBOUND-GREENLINE (list (make-station "Copley" '("green") '("Prudential" "Hynes Convention Ctr")) (make-station "Hynes Convention Ctr" '("green") '("Kenmore")) (make-station "Kenmore" '("green") '("Blandford St" "St Marys St" "Fenway")) (make-station "Prudential" '("green") '()) (make-station "Blandford St" '("green") '()) (make-station "St Marys St" '("green") '()) (make-station "Fenway" '("green") '())))
Sample Problem Design a function can-ride-in-time? which consumes a Number (the amount of time you have), the names of two stations, and a map and returns a Boolean indicating whether you can make it in time. Assume that it takes 3 minutes to move from one station to the next even if you have to transfer to another line.
; can-ride-in-time? : String String Number [List-of Station] -> Boolean ; Can I get from a to b in time t? ; TERMINATION: This function always terminates since either we run out of ; time or we get to the station we were looking for (define (can-ride-in-time? a b t the-map) (local [(define the-station (get-station a the-map))] (cond [(string=? a b) #true] [else (and (>= t 3) (ormap (λ (neighbor) (can-ride-in-time? neighbor b (- t 3) the-map)) (station-neighbors the-station)))]))) (check-expect (can-ride-in-time? "Chinatown" "Aquarium" 10 DOWNTOWN) true) (check-expect (can-ride-in-time? "Fenway" "Blandford St" 5 GREENLINE-SPLIT) false) ; get-station : String [List-of Station] -> Station ; Produces the first station with this name (define (get-station the-name the-map) (cond [(empty? the-map) (error (string-append "Could not find station " station-name))] [(cons? the-map) (if (string=? (station-name (first the-map)) the-name) (first the-map) (get-station the-name (rest the-map)))]))
Exercise 1 Design the function all-possible-subsets which takes in a map of the T and returns all possible subsets of the stations. Each set of stations should be a list of Strings (the names of the stations). For more information you can google "powerset".
Exercise 2 Riding the T is fun so you decide to find a way to ride it forever by going in circles. Design the function clique? which takes a list of station names and a map of the T and returns true if the stations are all interconnected. For example, Haymarket, State, and Govt Center are a clique in the map of downtown Boston.
Note: Park St, Govt Center, State, and Downtown Crossing are NOT a clique because Park St and State are not connected.
Exercise 3 Design the function biggest-clique which takes a map of the T and produces the largest set of stations that are all connected. You may break ties in any reasonable way.
Hint: The other functions you wrote may come in handy... so might argmax.
Note: the following exercises all involve graph traversal. OUTBOUND-GREENLINE is an acyclic graph, so feel free to test your functions first on this example graph before moving onto cyclic graphs.
Exercise 4 Design the functoin good-route? which takes the names of two stations (a and b) and a map and returns true if you can get from a to b on the map.
Exercise 5 Design the function travel-time which takes the names of two stations (a and b) and a map and returns a number representing how long it takes to go from a to b. If you can’t get from a to b your function should return false. Assume that it takes 3 minutes to move between stations, even if you have to transfer. Be sure to use the shortest path!
Exercise 6 Design the function get-path which takes the names of two stations (a and b) and a map and returns a [List-of String] representing the shortest path from a to b on the map. If you can’t get from a to b your function should return false.
Exercise 7 Rewrite travel-time using get-path. It should be much shorter now!
Exercise 8 Design a function that abstracts over travel-time and get-path.
Exercise 9 In exercise 7 we wrote travel-time in terms of get-path. In exercise 8 we abstracted the two. Which is a better idea?
Before you go...
If you had trouble finishing any of the exercises in the lab or homework, or just feel like you’re struggling with any of the class material, please feel free to come to office hours and talk to a TA or tutor for additional assistance.